Loving My Life as Wife, Mother and Grandmother

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hello to everyone!! I'm feeling a little under the weather today so It's going to be a very quick and short post. I've had a runny & stuffy nose for the last few days and even coughing some. I don't think I totally got over being sick from before. I went ahead and shut the windows last night because I thought maybe my allergies might be making it worse. Everyone in the neighborhood took use of the last few days being rainless to mow!! I will share with you a photo of Mickey, our baby chihuaha. My daughter took the picture..(she's in the background.) He's almost 6 months old now. He is a very good little boy!! Loves to snuggle and is and expert at begging for food. (And I do mean expert!) I guess the rainless couple of days has came to it's end. We are under a tornado watch again!! Ughh!!! Hopefully it won't get bad here. Talk to you all soon!!! Love, Jerelene


Eileen said...

So sorry you're not feeling well again, Jerelene.
Take care of yourself.

I like your baby chihuahua, he looks like a sweet little dog. My sister has a little black chihuahua, he's about eight years old, his name is Speedy and that dog is nuts! And he's mean to everyone that walks in the door, but he finally accepts me now!

Please feel better.
I'll be checking back.
Love and Prayers,

Diana said...

Jerelene, hope you get to feeling better soon,Katie went through the same thing. I think sometimes the allergies make us sick or we get sick and the allergies make it worse, take your pick! We've also had the same weather, nice and now more rain,rain,rain! Mickey looks very sweet and hopefully snuggling with him will make ya feel better!

Eileen said...

Jerelene, just stopping in to say I hope you're feeling better! And I hope the storms have left you!

Our rain has stopped for a few days at least.
Pollen count has been high though, my grandson is suffering, I had to keep him home from school.

Feel good.
Take care.

Sweet Woodruff said...

Is he a rat terrier? I love, love, love those dogs. They are the sweetest.

My daughter is graduating this week and I'm super busy and I also have lots of company. I might be able to catch up with you tomorrow or Wednesday.

God bless you. I can't wait to see what you have going on.

Blessings each day said...

I'm here again, after quit a trip!

Sorry you're 'under the weather'...so when you get well, will you be 'over the weather'???

Your puppy dog is so cute and even that part of your daughter that can be seen, is cute!

blessings on you,


Fifi said...

What a cutie !!
Get better soon dear friend!