Loving My Life as Wife, Mother and Grandmother

Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering 9/11

We're home from the co-op and it was a hit! There was only one class that Sam got a little nervous about...but it was the first class of the day..and the teacher was gone on vacation. They watched him on video and the mom's helped out..The rest of the day went well. I'm tired though. It was a long day and it wore me out. I still can't hear all the way out of my ear and I' m still feeling a little drained. It was very nice though visiting and talking with all the Moms. I think we've made a very good choice with this co-op.
I thought about posting something about today being 9/11...but I'm glad I didn't. The reason I say that is I couldn't have done nearly as well as Eileen and Marcy have done...not even close. If you read my page you should definately read their wonderful and touching posts. Hugs to the both of you!! You are both such sweet and loving friends :) Sam and I talked about 9/11 today. The rest of my family remembers with a sad heart too. Isn't it amazing though how we are all friends here in this wonderful country and yet we are all so far apart? That amazes me...the internet is sure a powerful tool. It is truly a blessing to live here in this country. I know when I returned from Europe as a teenager...I remember wanting (literally) to lay down and kiss the ground...I was so glad to be home.
One last thought...please remember our favorite Marine John as I know things have been pretty bad in Afghanistan lately. Please keep him in your prayers as we await his safe trip home. I'll end this post with just a simple God Bless America!!

That's about all for now...
With Love, Jerelene


Anonymous said...

Jerelene....I'm so glad that things went well at the Co op today... :)) Big smiles for you from me.
God bless all our troops...and a special prayer for John.
Love to you from Jackie

Rebecca said...

Sounds like the co-op will be a good thing. Hope Sam continues to find this learning system a good one for him. And you are SO right about the blessing of living in this country. God bless America.

Wanda..... said...

Glad that Sam had a good day Jerelene...
I agree Marcy and Eileen had wonderful posts today.


Eileen said...

God Bless America! And God Bless you, dear Jerelene!
And may He keep our troops safe from harm.
The sacrifices they make to protect us and afford us our freedom is humbling.

Beautiful pictures, Jerelene.

I'm so glad that things went well for Sam. And I'm glad you got to talk with the Mom's.
Please rest this weekend and get yourself completely well! Take care of yourself, you have so many relying on you!
Love you, sweetie!, Eileen

Bernie said...

So happy Sam did so well, and that you enjoyed your day.

I too thought Marcy and Eileen's post were wonderful.

I am praying for John and all of the troops ....they are very special people.

Take care Jerelene...:-) Hugs

Unknown said...

Jerelene, I pray every night for our troops and their families, but I will remember to actually name your John in my prayers. They need all the prayers they can get. I too LOVE my village family. I have found laughter, comfort, kindness, sisterhood, brotherhood, and simply LOVE in the village. How easy it has been to begin these friendship out of pure trust in a simple post and BLOG! I don't care what my friends and some family say about having to be SO CAREFUL about the crazy people on the internet and blogs...I have found the most wonderful people here....thank you for being my friend! hugs and miles of smiles...lindalu

Eddie Bluelights said...

Hi Jerelene,
Thank you very much for stopping by to have a cup of British Tea with me at my place. Did you hold the cup properly with your little finger sticking out?

It is very kind of you to remember 9/11 and my heart and prayers go out to all the victims alive and dead.

I am not sure as yet about your exploits at the Co-op but will find out in due course.

I am over the moon you contacted me, Jerelene, and I think you villagers are all wonderful - although I now know it is a HUGE village LOL (I literally thought you were all literal villagers at first). Also you all seem to be poswerful Christians which is fabulous. I think God has something for us all to do for Him to get us all together like this! makes me wonder.

I did intend introducing myself to all you lovely villagers gradually but you know us Brits - a bit reserved and a bit shy! WHAT! you may say, EDDIE SHY? Well I am, or should I say I used to be, when I was a lot younger (would not say boo to a goose)- but now I am very extrovert compared to my former introvert nature.
I'm slotting all the villagers into my Wizard Of Oz as "Village People" led by Marcy Poppins and I think at a new location after the Munchkins. Still working it out - it will be in about 5 parts I think. Jackie is playing Dorothy and we are borrowing Marcy's dog, TinkaBell, a HUGE canine who will frighten The Wicked Witch of the West.
Trouble is I have not got as much time to write it as I would like - I would dearly love to lock myself up alone for a week to get it done.
Very best wishes and I will call in as often as I can, if I may - oh I like coffee too ~ Eddie